Richard Englefield for Director of EID Division II

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Richard Englefield for Director of EID Division II

Ballot Statement
I served as Chair of the El Dorado County Water Agency and Vice Chair of the Water and Power Authority — experience I'll put to work for you on the irrigation district board, where I will:
  • PROTECT RATEPAYERS by cutting debt, eliminating waste, opposing new rate increases, and restoring fiscal accountability.
  • PROTECT OUR WATER by opposing state efforts to end "rights of origin" and other plans that would divert our water without our consent.

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Candidate's Committee
Chrystie Davis — Candidate's Treasurer -
Equestrian Services
Walt Miller — Former El Dorado
County District Attorney
Dr. Audrey Keebler — Educator
Michael J Preszler, PE - Ecorp Consulting
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Cari DeWolf - Former Executive Coordinator,
El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
and former EID employee
Abe Lyons — Web Designer
Steve Trehub — Photographer
William Brandt - Former VP for Wells Fargo Bank and President of Auburn Lake Trails Fire Safety & Improvement Council
Joe Crespin — Joe The Barber, Town Hall Meeting Coordinator for Diamond Springs
Palmer Freeman — Attorney -
Political Consultant
Candidate Statement for El Dorado Irrigation District

Occupation: Retired after 32 years at California State University, Sacramento as a Manager in the Computing and Computations Dept. 1970 — 2002. Education: BS in Environmental Sciences, Minor in Business from CSUS, AA degree in Public Service Forestry from Sierra College, & AA degree in Data Processing from American River College. Two years in the US Army serving in Vietnam with the Fourth Infantry Division from 1967 — 68.

I have lived in El Dorado County for 20 years and have been an active volunteer in the community for the past 12 years.

I was honored and proud to have been able to serve on the Board of Directors of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council from 2002 to 2011. I served as the South County Coordinator and helped organize the Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council, as well as the Logtown Fire Safe Council. I worked to educate the residents, made them aware of the risks of living within a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and what they could do to protect their home and property from wildfire.

From 2006 to the present, I have served on the Grizzly Flats Community Services District's Board of Directors. The District has the responsibility of providing treated water for domestic use and fire protection to the community of Grizzly Flats. The District has 607 meter connections within its service area. In 2012 we completed the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP). The project included: (1) installing a liner in the raw water reservoir to eliminate water loss due to seepage, (2) installing six new fire hydrants in the District for additional fire protection, and (3) installing new pipelines (1,934 linear feet of 12" pipe and 1,926 linear feet of 8" pipe) to provide for improved water delivery and system reliability. The total cost of the project was $1.7 million and was funded with a loan/grant program from the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Rural Development.

In 2011, I was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serve on the El Dorado County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). The purpose of this RAC is to recommend funding projects that benefit National Forest System lands in El Dorado County.

I also am serving a two year term on the El Dorado County Water Agency Board and I am presently Chair for 2013. This Agency is a long-term water planning organization that leads, assists, an participates in important projects such securing water rights for El Dorado County and promoting water conservation. I also serve as Vice-Chair of the Water and Power Authority.

I believe that I have the qualifications and experience to be an effective EID Director for District Two. I want the best for El Dorado County and its residents, and believe that by serving on the EID Board I can help further this vision.
EID (El Dorado Irrigation District) in El Dorado County


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